The Shark Ion R85 (RV850) vs. R75 (RV750) What Has Been Changed? Alternatives to Consider

Shark started producing vacuums a long time ago. The Shark ION R75 (RV750) has thousands of good reviews on Amazon.

Shark released the self-emptying robot vacuum with an anti-tangle design and camera on top so the new IQ R101AE remembers your home floor. Can it beat the Roomba i7+ with the new base? Know what are the differences between all the Shark robot vacuums.

The design is still the same. Three buttons on top: clean, dock, max. The dustbin is located on the side. It has two side sweepers that work together to catch dust and dirt from corners and along the walls. Underneath there is a self-cleaning brushroll that captures short and long hair, dust, dander, and allergens to prevent everyday buildup in your home.

The robot has the upgraded Smart Sensor Navigation 2.0 system that increased sensitivity to obstacles and objects helps to avoid the robot from getting stuck and complete the cleaning job.

The oldest models like the RV720 and RV750 have a "spot" button that makes the cleaner working on a specific area moving in a circular pattern around a designated point. The newest R85 and S87 come with a "Max" button. In this mode, the robot delivers up to 3x more suction power to provide deep cleaning on bare floors and thin carpet flooring.

Both robots (the RV750 and RV850) support WiFi and are compatible with Alexa enabled devices and Google Home. The Shak Ion can become a part of your smart home. You can schedule the robot by using your smartphone, control it like a radio car and switch between cleaning modes. There is no remote control in the box.

The Shark ION R85 robot cleaner has a bigger dustbin that holds more dust and dirt meaning the vacuum cleans for longer before you need to empty it.

Shark ION R85

Shark ION R85

A big dustbin & ability to work on black carpets

Has a bigger dustbin and better navigation over the R75. Also with Max cleaning mode, the robot delivers more suction.

The Shark ION robots have a magnetic stripe in the box. You can cut it and put it in place if you want to block an area from your robot. Unfortunately, there are no other ways to create blocked areas.

With the estimated suction power of 1,400 Pa, the Shark ION R85 can clean all types of bare floors and low-pile carpeted surfaces. It makes the cleaner ideal for homes with a mixed surface or a few area rugs. This is one of a few robots on the market that can clean dark and black carpets.

There is a new model: the Shark ION S87. It is the same Shark ION R85 with a handheld vacuum that is easy to empty by a single touch of a button. It has one charging dock for both units.

Shark ION S87

Shark ION S87

Comes with a handheld vacuum

It is the same Shark R85 with a handheld vacuum if you need an additional one for your robot vacuum.

To buy or not to buy the Shark ION R85

The Shark Ion R75 (RV850) is about $100 cheaper than the R85. If you are looking to get your first Shark Ion robot vacuum cleaner, then go with the latest R85. Otherwise, there are no too many reasons to switch your R75 to the R85.

  1. The Shark ION R75 is cheaper and better for hard flooring and occasional low-pile carpets/rugs. Not really god for pet hair or bigger homes.
  2. The Shark ION R85 has a bigger dustbin which means it is more suitable for pet hair. Because of stronger suction, it performs well on low-pile carpets and hard floors. Also, it is one of a few robots that can work on dark and black carpets. Not suitable for bigger homes but can handle pet hair.

Note: If you live in a big house or have medium-pile carpets, none of these robots would be a good buy.

Shark ION R85 Alternatives

There are other robot vacuums that might be better in some ways than the Shark R85. Let’s have a look at the R85 alternatives you can buy for about the same money.

Roomba e5

Best Budget For Pet Hair

Roomba e5

Silicone rollers that are free of hair tangling

Has strong suction and is suitable for medium-pile carpets.

As you can see, the Roomba e5 is better in some ways than the Shark R85. It is suitable for medium-pile carpets and bigger homes, has tangle-free rollers and also detects dirt. The only advantage of the Shark is its ability to work on black carpets.

Xiaomi MiJia 1C

For Carpet

Xiaomi MiJia 1C

Guided by a gyroscope and an optical sensor

An efficient navigation pattern covers the whole area. Can also do mopping and sweeping. Has strong 2,500 Pa suction and resumes cleaning if needed. In the app, you can control a water dripping level.

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The Xiaomi does not support Amazon Alexa and Google Home so if you have any you will not be able to control the robot with your voice. It also does not work on black carpets. Other than that, you get a robot with mopping ability and strong suction power, suitable for medium-pile carpets and bigger homes. It also has mapping and is more efficient at covering a cleaning area.

eufy RoboVac 30C MAX BoostIQ

To Control Block-Off Zones

Eufy RoboVac 30C MAX BoostIQ

Has strong suction and magnetic tapes to keep the robot off certain zones

Has strong suction which makes the robot suitable for medium-pile carpets.

The eufy does not work on black carpets but has stronger suction which means ability to work on medium-pile carpets and handling pet hair. It is also quite even though it has strong suction and has a magnetic tape to keep the robot off specific zones. The filter is also not true HEPA which means this model is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

Shark ION Alternatives: Roomba e5 & Xiaomi MiJia 1C & Roborock Xiaowa E20 & eufy RoboVac 30C MAX

Specifications Roomba e5 Xiaomi MiJia 1C eufy RoboVac 30C MAX BoostIQ
Cleaning time 90 min 100 min 100 min
Mapping no gyroscope + optical sensor no
Wifi support yes yes yes
Virtual blocker yes no yes
Type of virtual blocker dual virtual wall barrier - magnetic tape
Suction power 1,700 Pa 2,500 Pa 2,000 Pa
Carpet identification no no yes
Mopping no yes no
Amazon Alexa/Google Home support yes no yes
Noise level 65 dB 55 dB 55 dB
Dustbin capacity 500 ml 600 ml 600 ml
Barrier-cross ability 0.71 in / 18 mm 0.79 in / 20 mm 0.6 in / 15 mm
Scheduling yes yes yes
Voice prompt yes yes yes
HEPA filter yes yes not true HEPA
Warranty 12 months 12 months 12 months

To Wrap It Up

The Shark Ion robots perform very well, but there’s still room for improvement. There is no mapping; the cleaners move randomly though if you want to get a handheld vacuum, you can go with the Shark Ion S87 that is a two-in-one vacuum.

If you are not sure about the Shark Ion R85, consider having a look at the alternatives.

Would you buy the Shark Ion R85? Tell us in a comment section down below.


ken ⋅ 2 years, 11 months ago #

It’ quite clear - No for Shark compared to competitors listed based on your review, even for budget-conscious buyers!

Natalie Red ⋅ 2 years, 11 months ago #

Sharks are good cleaners. Maybe one of the best in the price segment and the latest AI versions are much better than competitors. The only concern I have is the small battery life.

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