iRobot Roomba Combo j7+

iRobot Roomba Combo j7+

Brand: iRobot

SRR score: 211

Questions & answers

Q: What's the difference between the Roomba j7+ and Roomba Combo j7+?

A: The Roomba Combo j7+ is a two-in-one robot vacuum & mop, while the Roomba j7+ is a robot vacuum without the mopping function. There are no other noticeable differences between the two.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the Roomba j7 Combo work with the i7 self-emptying base?

A: No, the i7 base is not compatible with the Roomba Combo j7. The J7 uses a QR code on the base to align itself when docking.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does it avoid cords?

A: The Roomba Combo j7 can recognize cords thanks to the front camera. However, depending on the lighting conditions, the floor's texture color, and the cable it may struggle to recognize some cables in some cases.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the Combo j7 base use bags or a canister to hold the dust?

A: The iRobot Roomba self-empty base uses disposable bags. The disposable bag is supposed to be replaced once per month or two, depending on usage.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does it work with a 5GHz wifi router?

A: Yes, the Roomba Combo j7 supports both, 2.4GHz and 5GHz wifi frequency bands.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Is the Combo j7 noisy?

A: It's quite noisy on hard floors because of the dual roller brush making some scrabbing noise. But not as noisy on carpets.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I use the robot vacuum without the app?

A: Yes, it works without the app and a wi-fi connection. Just press the button on the robot to start the whole house cleaning.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: How tall is the robot?

A: The Roomba Combo j7 is 3.4 inches (8.7 cm) tall.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Is it able to transit over door thresholds?

A: The Roomba Combo j7 can cross a 1.6 cm (0.6 inches) obstacle maximum, so ensure your door thresholds are lower.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: What's the difference between the Roomba Combo j7 and the Roomba i7?

A: The Roomba Combo j7 has a front camera for better object avoidance so it can avoid cords, pet poop, socks, pet bowls, and other small things lying on the floor. The Combo is also a mopping robot, so it can vacuum and mop at the same time. Also, they use different self-empty bases.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does hair get tangled on the roller brushes?

A: Long human or pet hair tends to get tangled around the roller brushes, so they require some maintenance once a week or so. The roller design makes it easy to clean the brush from tangled hair.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the Roomba Combo j7 suitable for multiple floors?

A: Yes, the robot can save a few maps, so you can move it to another floor when needed.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I add a cleaning solution to the water tank?

A: Sure, the Roomba Combo j7 is compatible with the original iRobot Bona cleaning solution.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I watch through the j7 front camera in the app?

A: No, you can't use the j7 camera as a remote camera viewer. The camera is supposed to help the robot avoid objects.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: What's included in the box?

A: The package includes the Roomba Combo j7 robot vacuum & mop, auto-emptying base, 2 disposable bags for the base, a power cord, one extra filter, and an extra side brush.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does it have an automatic carpet boost?

A: No, the Roomba Combo j7+ doesn't have this feature.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does it avoid liquid spills?

A: Most likely, the j7+ will not be able to detect and avoid liquid spills.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does it have realtime tracking of the robot in the app?

A: No, unfortunately, the app doesn't show the map and the robot's position while cleaning. You can only see the map report when the job is finished.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the Roomba Combo j7 work with Google Home assistant?

A: Yes, you can start, stop, send it to the base, or tell it to clean a specific room with a voice command via Google Home or Alexa.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I use the robot with no lights on?

A: Yes, the Roomba Combo j7 works in the dark without any issues. Thought, object avoidance may be not as accurate in the dark.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I manually control the robot like a radio car via the app?

A: No.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I connect the robot to my phone without a wi-fi router?

A: No, the robot is supposed to be connected to the app through a Wi-Fi router. In an emergency situation, you could create a wi-fi hotspot on one phone, and connect to the robot from another phone.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: How strong is the suction power of the Combo j7?

A: iRobot doesn't disclose the suction power of its robots, but according to the company it is 10x higher compared to the old Roomba 600-series.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Are there no-go zones available in the app?

A: Yes, you can set block-off zones where you want to avoid vacuuming and mopping.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can it vacuum and mop simultaneously?

A: Yes, it can vacuum and mop simultaneously. It will automatically avoid carpets when running in mopping and vacuuming mode.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: How often do I have to replace the filter?

A: The manufacturer recommends changing the filter every 6-12 months. But it depends on how often you use the robot vacuum.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the dual roller of the j7 Combo scratch a wooden floor?

A: It should not scratch a wooden floor, at least if the surface is not glossy.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: What is the max carpet pile height it can vacuum?

A: The Roomba Combo j7 should be able to handle 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) thick carpet with no issues. It's will not be able to move on a very shaggy carpet.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ have mapping?

A: Yes, the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ has mapping technology, it uses a camera and other sensors to create a map and navigate around your house.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: How long does the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ battery last on one charge?

A: The battery lasts up to 75 min on one charge.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ work with Google Home?

A: Yes, the robot can be connected to Google Home and controlled via voice commands.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ work with Amazon Alexa?

A: Yes, the robot can be connected to Alexa and controlled via voice commands.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ have carpet boost?

A: Yes, the robot can automatically boost suction power to the max on carpets.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does it have a dirt sensor?

A: Yes, the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ does have a dirt sensor

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ have an obstacle avoidance sensor?

A: Yes, it is equipped with a front-facing sensor supposed to detect and avoid low-profile objects like socks, bowls, shoes, toys, pet poop (not 100% reliable), etc.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I set no-mo zones so the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ will avoid my carpets when mopping?

A: Yes, you can set no-mop zones in the app.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I schedule the robot to clean at a specific time?

A: Yes, you can use the app to schedule the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ to clean on a specific day and time of the week.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I set virtual boundaries for the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ to restrict it from going to certain places?

A: Yes, you can specify no-go zones (restricted areas) in the app. The robot will avoid these areas while cleaning.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I use the app to track the cleaning progress on the map in real-time?

A: No, the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ doesn't support this feature.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I control my robot like a radio car via the app?

A: Yes, the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ can be controlled manually via the app.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

A: How can I control the J7+ like a radio car ( as asked in the question ) via the app? I can't find such a option!

By morsa.monad · 1 year, 5 months ago

Q: Can the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ store multiple maps?

A: Yes, it can store a few maps of different floors.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: What is the height of the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+?

A: The robot vacuum is 8.63 cm (3.4 inches) tall

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: How big is the water tank in the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+?

A: The iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ is equipped with a 210 ml water tank.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: What is the battery capacity of the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+?

A: The robot equipped with a 2210 mAh battery.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

A: Incorrect, Roomba Combo J7+ uses a 4460mAh battery. Not purchasable separately from iRobot yet. Viewable in this video:

By john6 · 1 year, 4 months ago

Q: What is the maximum height the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ can climb?

A: The maximum height of an obstacle the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ can climb when cleaning is 16 mm (0.63 inches)

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Can I wash the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ filter?

A: No, the manufacturer doesn't recommend washing the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ filter.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

Q: Does the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ resume cleaning after recharging?

A: Yes, the robot supports the recharge & resume feature. If the iRobot Roomba Combo j7+ didn't finish the job on one charge, it automatically continue cleaning after recharging.

By michael · 1 year, 6 months ago

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