How To Solve Wi-Fi Connection Issue With the Roborock S4 / S5 / S5 Max / S6 / S6 MaxV

Some users have trouble connecting their Roborock cleaners to the wi-fi network. There might be different reasons why you can’t pair your device with the app, but the most common issues related to incorrect Wi-Fi router settings or phone settings.

The connection process is identical for all the Roborock models: Xiaowa series, Roborock E4, S4, S5, S5 Max, S6, S6 Pure, and S6 MaxV. If you have a Xiaomi robot vacuum, you can also check this connection guide. The recommendations below should work for Android and iOS devices.

Things you should check if you getting an error when pairing your robot

1. Check which app you can use with your model

Some Roborock models can be paired with the Roborock app, while others work only with the Mi Home app. The Roborock app is supported only by the Roborock S4, S5 Max, S6, S6 Pure, S6 MaxV. If you have the Roborock Xiaowa E2/E3, Roborock E4, or S5 model, the only app you can use is the Mi Home app.

Both apps have identical features and user interface, but the Roborock app is a bit faster and lightweight and I would recommend using this one if your model is supported.

2. Ensure you have a correct region setting (only for the Mi Home app)

Go to the Mi Home app settings and change the region to your country. If you are not located in China, do not select China mainland as you may find in other older tutorials.

3. Ensure location permission for the Roborock or Mi Home app is enabled

Go to your phone settings and make sure the location permission for the app is enabled. You will not be able to pair the robot without the location permission.

4. Check your Wi-Fi frequency band and encryption method

  • Roborock cleaners don’t work with a 5GHz Wi-Fi network, so ensure your Wi-Fi network works in a 2.4GHz frequency band. 
  • Your Wi-Fi encryption method should be WPA2. Other encryption methods or networks without a password are not supported.

5. Check your Wi-Fi password

Some special characters (*&$#-+=), or non-Latin symbols in your Wi-Fi password may cause connection problems. If other suggestions don’t work for you, try to change the password and ensure it contains only Latin symbols and numbers.

I would also recommend to download and read the official step-by-step guide on how to connect the Roborock S5 with your smartphone:

roborock S5 connection issue

Notice: Keep your eye on Wi-Fi indicator light under the cover of the device. It will flash with higher frequency than normal status when it is trying to connect wifi and become solid when it is connected. Sometimes app may show error after connecting steps finish, but the Wi-Fi indicator light becomes solid and the device is actually connected to Wi-Fi successfully. In this situation, please close the app and run it again to see if the robot is on the list of app.

If you want to control the Roborock via Amazon Alexa, check this step-by-step guide.

If you tried everything and it still doesn't work, I would recommend to contact Roborock official customer support:

If you have any questions or tips, please leave a comment below. You can also ask any questions related to Roborock product in the unofficial Roborock community on Reddit.


Jorge ⋅ 1 year, 7 months ago #

None of these worked ... strange.
But stranger than all this would be ... why would we need to enable location? And "special" characters won't work on you password .. so in other words, lower your defences and show us your location.

DaddyV ⋅ 1 year, 7 months ago #

Try the connection with the mobile data turned off or try with a different device

Djon ⋅ 2 years, 2 months ago #

When i reset the wifi the indicator stops working and i cant find the device on wifi list ??

viharikke ⋅ 3 years, 3 months ago #

Turn off 5Ghz network in Your router settings (of course if it's possible) . Leave only 2.4 GHz network, save changes and connect.

Good Luck

Carol ⋅ 3 years, 10 months ago #

I’ve been trying to sign up on the Roborock app and it will not let me put in a password. I have an s5 Max. Anyone else have that problem?

Tamás ⋅ 4 years ago #

Hi All

I've been trying to connect an S6 to my wifi router, but I'm using MAC filter with no password. Therefore the S6 cant connect to wifi, but if I set a password then I'll be losing my other already connected stuff.

Did anybody solved this? Connecting to wifi network without pass?

Thx for help

Astrid ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

Whenever I logged in to the Roborock app, my vacuum robot wasn't detected and didn't show on the home page - only a box saying 'add a device'.
I've figured out a way to make it appear again, without having to disconnect from WiFi and do a reset etc....
Just press 'profile' from the home page, then settings, then language. Change the language to any of the ones listed and the vacuum will appear instantly on the home page again.
Hope it helps.

Christos ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

In my case I had to deactivate the VPN

Dima ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

For me helped only disable "802.11ax / Wi-Fi 6 mode" for 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Settings in Router

Tipper ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

Hey Birger,

Glad to see it worked for you.

A bit of additional info for Android users. As I accidentally reset my robot's WiFi connection again, upon trying to reconnect I noticed the connection was successful when I used in-app navigation button to go back from Settings to the app. In other words, after getting connection error I clicked on Settings to choose the robot's WiFi, then waited, then used < (back) arrow on the App, not the phone's Back button. This does not apply for iOS as there is no Back button on the Apple phones/tablets.

The reason it could be important is because when you hit Settings on the App, it opens the Settings in the in-app frame, and not as a separate Android screen.

Tipper ⋅ 4 years, 4 months ago #


I connected S6 MaxV to Roborock Android app after struggling for several hours. Maybe someone will find my experience useful.

To me, it seems like there is a very bad lag somewhere in the processing (application probably). So I followed below steps very slowly, waiting for a few minutes after each step giving time for things to synchronize.

1. Set up the WiFi paying attention to the restrictions and settings described in the original article.
2. Reset the robot, reboot the phone and the router.
3. Connect the phone to 2.4 Gz WiFi network.
4. Open the app, Add new Device, WAIT, Choose Device, WAIT, choose WiFi and enter Password, WAIT, get an error, WAIT, get another error, WAIT, click on Settings, WAIT, choose robot's WiFi network, WAIT, go Back, WAIT, try again, WAIT.

Repeated actions described in step 4 and waited after each action. After several tries the app finally connected.

I managed to replicate a successful connection for the 2nd time after resetting the robot and following the same steps.

Birger ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

While troubleshooting a whole day, I tried many of the above suggestions with no luck. Then I tried Tipper´s advice and it worked! Now my Ipad has connected to the S5 Max`s network with no errors. Thank you very much, Tipper.

Ayman ⋅ 4 years, 6 months ago #

After spending 6 weeks with RS 5 to solve the wifi problem make your password of the wifi only numbers it will work

Isabel ⋅ 4 years, 9 months ago #

Eu tenho um MI ROBOT VACUUM-MOP P e também não estou a conseguir conecta lo com a app acham que pude ser a mesma situação que o roborock? É que eu não senha no Wi-Fi.... Estou desesperada

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 9 months ago #
if it helps ⋅ 4 years, 9 months ago #

Mine was bugging due to some special characters in the password. It was giving all sorts of weird errors like a kid who doesnt know how to describe what is happening to them.

Through trial an error it was the & so changed it to something else and it worked fine.

quatrio ⋅ 4 years, 10 months ago #

You’re welcome, I’m pleased it worked for you.
Enjoy your Roborock. I think the app and the robot work great.
Best regards.

quatrio ⋅ 4 years, 11 months ago #

Change the WiFi Password

I had many failed attempts to connect Roborock S6 Pure app to WiFi.
As soon as I changed my WiFi Password by removing any special characters (*&$#-+=) then it worked.
Changing security method from WEP or anything Did Not Work.
So just change your WiFi password.
Good luck

Kobi ⋅ 4 years, 10 months ago #

Thank you so much! <3
After alot of efforts we changed the wi fi password (which was a phone number) and it work!

cBeam ⋅ 5 years ago #

So guys, are you serious, to make a vacuum work one needs to jump through hoops, make your wifi connection less secure by prohibiting special characters, and turning off the firewall as recommended in Roborock's troubleshooting guide: "It is recommended that you do not add a firewall to your router".

I say: It is recommended not to buy this thing. I returned the Roborock S6 after wasting hours trying to get it work. No more.

Søren pedersen ⋅ 5 years ago #

I don't know if this is going to help but it worked for me. I changed the wifi on my phone (android) to 2.4 ghz and then the app is working. If you are connected to 5 ghz on the device where you are using the app, it is not going to work. Then after you are connected to the app, you can switch back to 5 ghz on your device. It is all the products from China with wifi, that has this problem and it is a weird way of doing things

Andrea42782 ⋅ 5 years ago #

Ok so I had the same issue and I just fixed it. You have to attach an Ethernet cord to your router with a laptop or computer and google the IP address for your router. Mine is a TP link so the IP is
I put this in the search bar in my browser and it brought me to the log in page for the router. The log in is admin and pass is admin. I turned off the 5g under the wireless category and reset the router by turning it off and back on...then followed the steps in the app to connect. Make sure after you get the wifi to blink that you tap on the circle next to where it says you completed the action. (It doesn’t even look like something you would click on but you can’t click next until you touch it) Then you can click next and go through the steps of connecting it through the wifi. Mine is connected and updating firmware now! Success!!

Onur Baş ⋅ 4 years, 2 months ago #

Hello brother.
I wanted to thank you for your xiaomi generaron I vacuum cleaner connection problem solution. I tried everything but didn't work except your way. Then I turned off 5G option and it connected.
Even I still didn't understand the logic behind it, 5G was the problem.

If you know why, I'd appreciate to hear it. If not, anyway. It's good now. Thanks a lot

Bill ⋅ 5 years ago #

@ Passerby (and Michael),
Just tried (feb 2020) the switch to Singapore (local to Denmark) and that worked!!!
Also, I don't know if Roborock is now sending an updated interface to other countries, but I got the version 3.2.7_002008 update, which is supposed to include an interface that allows S5 users to now independantly choose rooms to vacuum. I hope that works, because that was something I sorely wanted. Thanks for the message Passerby. Otherwise, I agree in wondering why I have to use days searching for a blog that addresses these problems.
Happy vacuuming everybody!

Passerby ⋅ 5 years, 3 months ago #

Just wanted to add another solution that may help others. I have S5, and it was working fine until recently. It disconnected from WiFi and Mi Home app. I'm guessing maybe an update messed it up somehow because it was working fine for a year without a problem. After that, I tried to reconnect it, but nothing worked, including suggested solutions on this page. I even went as far as factory resetting not only my S5 but also my router (since someone mentioned that their issue had to do with their router). After going through all that, the solution was very simple but counter-intuitive. Their support rep told me to change the location to Singapore and try it (I'm in USA). Well, what do you know? It fixed it. It's working now. So, you may want to try this if you are facing the same issue.

Michael ⋅ 5 years, 3 months ago #

Thanks for your solution. This advice should help for those who had problems with their devices during December 25-26, since there were some issues with the US server (not sure if they are solved already). So when you changing the region, the app connects to another server.

Søren Nielsen ⋅ 5 years, 3 months ago #

I have yet to be able to 'initialize' my S5 on any of my apple products.
I then installed Xiomi Home app for android via Bluestacks on my PC and THAT worked ... is the iphone/ipad app bugged ?

Dmitriy ⋅ 5 years, 3 months ago #

As somebody wrote here. Main problem could be in wifi router.
Second problem, router has to have internet access otherwise robot will not connect to network. I don't know why it has internet access if you want to control it from the same network.
Name of the network has to have the simplest possible name.
Password also should contain only characters and numbers without symbols.
I was not able to connect to my router provided by operator. It contain 2.4b/g/n/ac standards and 5GHz(which is not supported by robot)
May be robot could not automatically select roper wifi standard or router was not properly configured.
Only get success connecting to Travelmate titan wifi router. Had to share internet from laptop. Set static lan ip between laptop and travelmate. Simple ssid name and password.After all was connection, but took long time until it get solid connection.
You can check standards in Travelmate and set your home router to this parameters, may be this will help you.

And again in robot no 5GHz, it do not support it.

Kaspar ⋅ 4 years, 4 months ago #

I found one problem - while selecting your WiFi, xiaomi application suggesting for password wps key instead of WiFi password, so press eye simbol and check password if it's correctly inserted!

NK ⋅ 5 years, 4 months ago #

I solved the issue by following below steps:

Press Dock button (first button next to the start / stop button), hold that button for a couple of seconds and then use a pin or something to press the reset button right next to the wifi light. Hold both of them until you hear music.

Once it restarts, open the app and it will pick up roborock this time.

It does really suck to spend so many hours to figure this damn thing out. But hey, it works now!!

David ⋅ 5 years, 4 months ago #

Hey NK, I am still having the issue with the app just got the s5 did all the steps above nothing is working for me. I was using the app on ios. I don't see the roborock pop up no matter what I do. I don't see a connect to wifi option and nothing with search for nearby devices either. Edit:Paired it with my dad's android and setup with my phone after

Jolanta Gaižutienė ⋅ 5 years, 4 months ago #

So with Android works??

Stanimir ⋅ 5 years, 1 month ago #

I just tried this method and it worked for me - MIUI 11 / Android 10. Prior doing so, I also tried:

1. Resetting only the Wi-Fi settings (hold re-charge / dock and zone clean buttons)
2. Re-installing the android app
3. Using a different 2.4Ghz network (used my guest network), although my router already had 2.4Ghz network enabled.
4. Tried changing the region to Chinese Mainland and vice-versa.

Hope this helps!

Beanzalo ⋅ 5 years, 4 months ago #

I think it totally sucks, that for every expensive product we buy, we have to depend on forums to resolve problems the manufacturer is responsible for, and they get off the hook. I cant connect and my solution is going to be a return.

Dana ⋅ 5 years, 3 months ago #

Hey guys so I connected my iPhone and my iPad to the roborock6 by taking the suggestion of changing my WiFi password to something with only letters and numbers (no special characters),but then it still said no WiFi found, so then i manually typed my WiFi name and the password then boom!! Connected! It finally worked! Hope that helps , (side note- i have an old iPhone 6)

JK ⋅ 5 years, 5 months ago #

While troubleshooting, I tried all of the above suggestions with no luck... until I replaced the default router that Spectrum provides. Going through the listed steps using a Linksys EA6350 router worked like a charm.

Simon ⋅ 5 years, 7 months ago #

For me it helped updating firmware of my router.

Bartosz Winiarski ⋅ 5 years, 8 months ago #

I had the same problem with the Roborock S6. It was caused by a special character in the SSID of the wireless network.

Me ⋅ 5 years, 11 months ago #

I changed the router and could not connect to the vacuum via my phone using the Xiaomi Home app.
This worked for me.
1. Delete the Xiaomi Home App
2. Reinstall Xiaomi Home App
3. Click "Add Device" on top right hand side
4. Hold the Spot and Home button on the vacuum for a few seconds, this will trigger the vacuum wifi reset.
5. The Xiaomi app detects the device as a new device and kick off a new installation, which lets me put in the new router settings/password.

Janice Massey ⋅ 5 years, 11 months ago #

I found below comment from Reddit. And it works for me. Hope that helps you all.

"Hi, I had the same issue, I figured out the fix.
This is the problem.
You need to go into your router settings and enable the 'Guest 2.4GHz' Wifi connection.
Connect your phone/tablet to this guest signal. Then follow the instructions as per mi home app.
Once the roborock is connected you are then able to change your phone/ipad/tablet connection back to your preferred Wifi signal signal.
Now your roborock will be using the guest signal."

Marta ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

Thanks!!! after couple of months it's fixed thanks to you!!!

vasilis ⋅ 4 years, 2 months ago #

This is what solved the issue for me

I had to Create a another guest 2.4 ghz wifi connection with password wpa2 and used that

Ju Yeong ⋅ 5 years, 12 months ago #

When i dock my roborock , it reads docked successfully and is charging. But after more than half a day and the battery level still remained at the initial level. How can it be charging when the battery level remained the same ? Pl somebody advise me.

Volodymyr Shulga ⋅ 6 years ago #

Had the same issue. Option 4 helped me, I had to change Wi-Fi encryption mode from WEP to WPA2 for my Wi-Fi router. For this I also had to find IP address of my router, for Mac it could be done in following way - .
By the way - I had not had any warning about not secured connection, just was not able to connect my iPhone 8 to vacuum.

Vas ⋅ 6 years ago #

I am on 5ghz wifi with iPhone 8. And I changed region to US and I reset few times still no luck connecting. I need help and I am not IT savvy. Can anyone pls guide me?

Michael ⋅ 6 years ago #

you should switch your router to the 2.4Ghz frequency band since the Roborock doesn't work on 5Ghz.

Marco ⋅ 5 years, 3 months ago #

Yep, that worked!

helen ⋅ 5 years, 3 months ago #

I'm sharing my hotspot from my phone, and its not connecting. I don't have a router at home we use my iPhone 11 for that. Any idea how to connect it keeps asking me to bring device closer, I put it on top and still nothing

Michael ⋅ 5 years, 3 months ago #

Sorry, I've never tried to pair it through an iPhone hotspot, so hard to say why it doesn't work.

Stefanie Powers ⋅ 5 years, 2 months ago #

How ????

Richie ⋅ 6 years ago #

My roborock S50 2nd generation keeps going offline everytime after it finishes charging.
Have to reset the wifi each time to get it connected to the app again. Very annoying .
I have it for 2 months now

Michael ⋅ 6 years ago #

Did you try to contact Roborock official support? Hope they have some advice on how to solve this problem.

Leo ⋅ 6 years ago #

The same f..... problem :(

lupoalba ⋅ 6 years ago #

also my roborock going offline everytime after it finishes charging....

Jan Skvaril ⋅ 4 years, 2 months ago #

Any solution so far?

Robocock ⋅ 6 years, 3 months ago #

Fixed it!!! Again this is for Roborock S501-01, BC Model

I got the following response from customer service as I attempted to return the unit: (Note: I am fixing some of the grammar for your benefit)

1.Please go to app's setting to change region to your local region, do not select China mainland.
(in my case I changed to US (Recommended), not the US (Singapore))
2.If your phone is android, please go to phone's setting to enable the location permission.
3. If your wifi password contains special characters like questions mark, colon, please change password without them to have a try.
(this is what fixed it for me)
4.If it says it could not connect public wifi, it is probably because your wifi's encryption mode is WEP. Please log in your router's page to change the encryption mode to WPA or WPA2.
5.You could try to reset wifi by holding recharge button and spot cleaning button for 5 seconds until you hear voice reset wifi.
6. Please notice the vacuum could not connect 5G HZ wifi.

Notice: Please keep your eye on wifi indicator light under the cover of device. It will flash with higher frequency than normal status when it is trying to connect wifi and become solid when it is connected. Sometimes app may show error after connecting steps finish, but the wifi indicator light becomes solid and device is actually connected to wifi successfully. In this situation, please close the app and run it again to see if device is on the list of app.

Michael ⋅ 6 years, 3 months ago #

thank you so much for your solution! I've updated the article. Hope it will help other users as well.

essess ⋅ 6 years ago #

Regarding "Please notice the vacuum could not connect 5G HZ wifi" does that mean that Mesh Wifi networks not separating the 2.4 and 5 GHz, like Google Wifi and TP-Link Deco M9 Plus, cannot connect to Roborock?

Emanuele ⋅ 5 years ago #

I have a Deco E4, but I don't find any solution to connect. Have you found one?

Cloudst ⋅ 4 years, 7 months ago #

I changed to WPA2 from WEP solved my issue. Thanks alot

Robocock ⋅ 6 years, 3 months ago #

Just spent 3 hours attempting all possible fixes and nothing!
I believe the region switch hack is a Chinese prank and this article is a troll

Using iOS Mi Home and Roborock S50

Russ Trank ⋅ 6 years, 6 months ago #

I could scream! I paid big bucks for the Xiaomi Vac. It worked after several hours of initial setup (13 months ago)...but...

After it sits for more than a day...I cannot ever - ever - ever rely on it to connect...and there is ABSOLUTELY NO solid solution to the problems. I'm sick of reading internet claims and instructions that tell me to use other than the U.S. server to solve the problems...then they say things like "Step 3. After logginning in power the Xiaomi Roborock on and make sure the light is flashing. Add the robot to the Mi Home app.
Step 4. Enter the Wi-Fi name and password."

Like all the other "solutions"...nowhere is my smartphone app giving me a place to enter a WiFi name or password...and I'm left hanging out there again!
My son bought a Roomba and it works fine. Glad I didn't push him to buy one of these non-compatible pieces of junk!!!!
Sorry...I don't like leaving negative feedback on any purchase...but I just wasted another 5 hours today, doing everything from reconfiguring and resetting my router and smartphone, reloading the app and restarting it, reconnecting the unit to the router, powering it on and off, and on and on...all things I've done a dozen times before with no progress. Whoever write the solutions to these problems doesn't know what he/she is talking about...and doesn't retry their solutions themselves.

mobilus ⋅ 6 years, 4 months ago #

the same problem. who can fix it??

SigTill ⋅ 6 years, 6 months ago #

Even better - use the Flolevac to control the Xiaomi and download the newest firmware. Works like a charm! .

Crenguta Eftimescu ⋅ 5 years, 9 months ago #

Apple store, can t find

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