How to Connect the Roborock to Alexa: Step-By-Step Guide

In this guide, I'm going to describe how to connect your Roborock vacuum cleaner with Amazon Alexa and control the robot with voice commands. This method should work with new models that are supported by the Roborock app (S4, S6, S5 Max, S6 Pure, and S6 MaxV).

Install the Roborock Plus Alexa skill

Open the Amazon Alexa app, tap on the menu button (top left corner of the screen), select the "Skills & Games" menu, and find the Roborock Plus Alexa skill. Tap on the "Enable to use" button and you will be redirected on the Roborock authorization page.

Find the Roborock Plus skill and enable it

Tap on region and near the phone number field and select your country, then fill the phone number field and password which your credentials used when you created a Roborock account. 

In my case, I was able to log in only when entered a full phone number with a country code even though the country code was shown alongside when I selected my country (is it a bug?).

Alexa automatically gets your connected devices from the Roborock app, no needs to add your robot manually.

What voice commands you can use to control your Roborock?

At the moment, the Roborock Plus Alexa skill support 8 commands:

  1. "Ask Roborock to clean"
  2. "Ask Roborock to stop"
  3. "Ask Roborock to pause"
  4. "Ask Roborock to resume"
  5. "Ask Roborock to say hi"
  6. "Ask Roborock to tell me what it's doing"
  7. "Ask Roborock to recharge"
  8. "Ask Roborock to change mode" or "Ask Roborock to change mode to [silent/balanced/turbo/max]"

You can say these commands in a different way, see the full list of compatible commands here.

Can you send the robot to clean a specific room?

A lot of Roborockers would like to send their robot to clean a certain room by voice command, for example, "Roborock, clean the kitchen". But, unfortunately, Roborock cleaners don't support such commands, at least at the moment. As far as I know, Roborock is working on this feature, but I've no idea when it will be implemented.

Does it work with the Mi Home app?

No, the Roborock Plus skill works only with the Roborock app. For the Mi Home app, you can try the Roborock Home skill, however, I didn't test it by myself.

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