Roborock Q Revo vs S8 Pro Ultra 5 Differences

A small comparison of two models from Roborock, the Q Revo and S8 Pro Ultra, and the five main differences between them.

Specs/Models S8 Pro Ultra Q Revo
Price $1599.99 $899.99
Mapping yes yes
Mapping sensor type LDS LDS
Front camera yes yes
Virtual walls no no
Cliff sensor yes yes
Barrier-cross height 20 mm / 0.79 in 20 mm / 0.79 in
Battery capacity 5200 mAh 5200 mAh
Run time 180 min 180 min
Noise level 68 dB N/A
Recharge yes yes
Carpet boost yes yes
Dirt sensor no no
Dustbag capacity 2.5 L 2.7 L
Water tank capacity 200 ml N/A
Wet mopping yes yes
Vibrating mopping pad yes no
Auto water tank refilling yes yes
WiFi/App yes yes
Alexa, Google Assistant yes yes
Display no no
Voice prompts yes yes
Zoned cleaning yes yes
Height 9.65 cm / 3.8 in N/A
Weight 4.9 kg / 10.8 lbs N/A

So there are main 5 differences:

  1. base station configuration
  2. mapping system
  3. pad-washing module
  4. front obstacle avoidance sensor
  5. price

The Q Revo will rearrange the layout of its base station moving the bag to the middle underneath the water tanks.  

1. The base station configuration.

While the S8 Pro Ultra uses the same configuration as the S7 MaxV Ultra with the water tanks and bag in one row. 

2. The mapping system. 

The Q Revo with the first robber up with two spinning discs similar to other brands like Ecovacs. The S8 Pro uses one pad with two vibrating elements for agitation. 

3. A pad-washing module. 

The key level design is simpler by using a tray with these studs where the pads spin against and agitate. 

The S8 Pro releases on the bristle brush component that slides back and forth the scrub off debris from the pad. 

And maybe the Q Revo version is better since it's a one-piece plastic component that doesn't wear out easily compared to the bristle brush of the S8 Pro. That's prone to wear.

4. is the front obstacle avoidance sensor. 

The Q Revo only has the front IR sensor while the S8 Pro Ultra has the IR sensor and two lasers flanking. 

5. The price. 

So our last point is the price and it is worth noting that the difference in price is pretty decent. Therefore, if this matters to you when choosing a device, then you should pay attention to this.

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