Mi Robot Vacuum Mop Essential cannot add to app

Mi Robot Vacuum Mop Essential cannot add to app and cannotonnect to my wife ..... The wifi connection to the mop goes off line after 2 weeks again and again

Fábio Cunha ⋅ 3 years, 3 months ago #

Hi I'm having the same problem and tried everything I can think of. It looks like the problem is the wifi antenna on the unit as I've factory reset and wifi reset the vacuum and when installing it doesn't show the vacuum wifi signal. Anyone had any solution working? Thanks

C Me ⋅ 3 years, 3 months ago #

This is pretty bad. App could not find vacuum. I changed app to China Mainland it found it. When connecting it to WIFI it checks Device Connected then Message Sent to Device then it times out on Connecting to Network.
Details say to
Check wifi password
connect router to internet
connect phone to network
make sure network is 2.4
Done Still times out every time

C Me ⋅ 3 years, 3 months ago #

I got it going! I have a Xiomi wifi extender and when I connected the vacuum through that not my regular network it connected no problem. The good news the range extender was only $10 here in Thailand

Valter Pilo ⋅ 3 years, 3 months ago #

Hello Michael, I have the same problem as Sam. And now I realize the robot went off line two weeks after first install. I thought was because my internet went down. But maybe is the same case. I have tried another account at Mi Home, tried on an Android phone, which can even locate the robot. At first it had paired to my iPhone. Used it on my house Wi-Fi and then at my beach apartment Wi-Fi. Returned to house and ok, but after the Wi-Fi down, could not connect again. I even disinstalled the robot from my iPhone and then could not connect again. O the app I see my Wi-Fi net address and the password, but cannot find the robot address on the iPhone Wi-Fi list to connect it.

Big Bro Brother ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Hi Michael
Yes you I could connect the robot to wifi, but it lost the connection from time to time. I was advice to delete the app and device and reinstall. I tried all that u suggested but now I cant even add the vacuum to the app (No TONE/VOICE) I tried everything but cannot cannot connect to wifi or add device. Pressed the reset button/hole as suggested and still no luck :(

Michael ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

The reset button (hole under the lid) resets only wi-fi settings, it's not a hard reset. Did you try the hard factory reset which returns the robot to the original firmware version? You can do it by holding the "Home" button for 5 seconds two times in a row. Also, try to power off/on the robot.

Big Bro Brother ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Yy I got it set to factory setting but still cannot add the vacuum to the app coz no Mijia-vacuum Wifi found

Michael ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

That's strange, hope it's not a hardware issue. Ensure the Mi Home app has location permission, maybe when you reinstalled the app, you forgot to give it location permission when it asked. Also, check the region in the Mi Home app settings. If you have an international version of the robot, it should be set to your real country, but if it's a Chinese version (comes with a Chinese manual), the region should be set to China. Otherwise, the app will not be able to detect the robot.

Big Bro Brother ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Thank you Michael I have tried everything to add the vacuum the app but no luck .... Do u have any other solutions... you have been a GREAT help

Michael ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Any chances you changed some wifi router settings recently? Also, maybe you have another phone (ask a friend or family member) to try.

Big Bro Brother ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Hi Michal I tried everything u said... I am so sad coz nothing works

C Me ⋅ 3 years, 3 months ago #

Try it with a Xiaomi WIFI range extender. Worked for me.

Michael ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

I'm sorry, there was a bug on our server and the author of the post was set to my name (Michael), we fixed the bug, but now I don't know who was the original post creator. We just redesigned the website and its buggy at the moment. Author, please leave a comment under this post so I can fix the author's name.

Regarding your question, did you try to move the dock somewhere closer to the wifi router? Next time, when it goes offline, try to turn off/on the robot instead of pairing it again. After reboot, it should connect to the router automatically.

Big Bro Brother ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

My name is Sam
I have tried everything u said but it still does not work
I even moved it next to the wifi Router
Still not working
Now dont even have Tone/voice

Michael ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Hi Sam, thank you, I fixed the username. Could you please clarify, you can connect the robot to wifi, but it lost the connection from time to time? Or you can't connect it at all? Did you try a hard reset (not wifi reset when you hold two buttons)? To hard reset the robot, press and hold the home button for 5 seconds, release the button and press it again for another 5 seconds. This should reset the robot's firmware to factory settings. Not sure if this will solve the problem, but it is worth trying if nothing else helps.

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