How to Solve the Connection Issue With the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P (STYJ02YM)

A lot of users have troubles connecting the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P (STYJ02YM) with a Wi-Fi router and the Mi Home app. Considering that this model is very popular, I decided to create a step-by-step guide on how to solve the connection issue with the Xiaomi Mi Robot.

If you tried to pair the robot with the app and got an error, here are recommendations you should check to solve the problem.

Check your robot version (Chinese or International)

Find out what version of the robot vacuum you have got. Some online stores sell a Chinese version of the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P which works only with the Mainland China region in the Mi Home app. If the robot comes with a Chinese user manual in the box, most likely you have a Chinese version.

If you have a Chinese version, you should change your region to Mainland China: open the Mi Home app, tap on the Profile → Settings → Region → Chinese mainland. After changing the region, you will be logged out from the app so you should sign in again.

If you have an International version, select your region in the Mi Home app: Profile → Settings → Region → YOUR COUNTRY.

Mi Home region

Check the location permission for the Mi Home app

Ensure the location permission for the Mi Home app is enabled. Go to your phone settings → Installed apps → Mi Home → Permissions → activate the location permission. Depending on your phone model the steps may be different.

Mi Home App: location permissions

Check your Wi-Fi router settings

Most of the popular Wi-Fi routers can be configured by an admin page usually located on these addresses and (you should know an admin password to sign in).

  • Ensure your router supports 2.4 GHz band (5 GHz frequency band is not supported by this model).
  • Ensure your Wi-Fi hotspot encryption method is WPA2. Other encryption methods and networks without a password are not supported.
  • Ensure your Wi-Fi password contains only Latin characters and numbers. Also, the password should be at least 8 digits and not too long (some users reported troubles to pair the robot with a long Wi-Fi password).
  • Try to turn off mobile data when pairing the robot. Some users confirmed that they were not able to pair the robot until they disabled the mobile data. I guess it depends on the phone model, I would recommend trying this method if you still can’t pair the robot.

Router Wi-Fi settings

Move the robot closer to the router

Even if your Wi-Fi signal strength is good on your phone, it doesn’t mean that the robot has the same signal strength as your phone. So try to move the robot closer to the router.

Reset Wi-Fi on the robot after each attempt to pair the robot

If you got an error when tried to pair the robot and want to perform another attempt, do not forget to reset the robot’s Wi-Fi settings after each attempt. Hold the power + dock button for 3 seconds until the button starts blinking.

I hope this guide will help you to solve the connection issue with the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or suggestions.

Try power off and power on the device

As Willian mentioned in the comments, this might help to solve the connection issue. Try power off/on the device when the robot is not on the charging dock. Press the power button for 5 seconds and after turn on the device again.

Pasi Mustalahti ⋅ 4 days, 16 hours ago #

I found it !
(Xiaomi Mi robot vacum mop P)
After hard trying I found what to do:
- I have a old, slow, cheap, forgotten Chinese noname 2.4GHz wifi repeater with WPA2-PSK(AES) and I connected it to the powers.
I had spent hours with our main repeater with 2.4GHz settings and WPA2-PSK.
- I set my phone to log in to that repeater and prevented it to change automatically to any other router or repeater we have in our house
- start the app and make everything ready until it asks for network reset..
- factory reset by pressing the house-button until it says something.
- Finger up and on the house again until noises.
- press the two buttons until it says something.
- let it continue.

If the moonnis in the right position and the gods in good mood, the damned deviv'ce starts working.
Now you can remove the bad router.
My wife had an administrator status and uses our main router for her phone and she managed to kick the idiot device to work.

We have had this shit for 5 years and this must be the fourth time I manage to make it work. My neighbour solved the problem with the device with an axe.

It might be that the problem has been in our router, which connects through our own DNS and PiHole in our home server.
This old repeater uses dns.

This will be the last time I buy any Xiaomi device.

Ajith ⋅ 1 year, 8 months ago #

I am facing rather a different issue in my newly brought Xiaomi Robo vaccum S12. After a couple of day’s usage it went offline. I tried deleting the app, reinstalling and adding the device again but not helping. Funny thing is that the factory reset is not responding. Any idea how to solve this?

Alex ⋅ 1 year, 8 months ago #

Leave it off the charger for a week to dry out the battery. Then initialize the robo.

Ajith ⋅ 1 year, 8 months ago #

Awesome, it worked. Thanks a lot Alex!

Lkr ⋅ 1 year, 11 months ago #

What worked for me was
Allow microphone
Allow precise location
Disable mobile network data
Then the vacuum was found under a second.

Stan ⋅ 2 years ago #

Hi, i have roborock S6 maxV and i try everything reset wifi factory reset reinstal the app, different region and still cant connect the robot with my phone. Firat tume i try the xiaomi home app let me put my home wifi and pasword but after that dont let me put it agane. The robot is not visible please help 🙂

Stan ⋅ 2 years ago #

Also the first time i start the robot from the app give me the chance to put my home wifi and pasword but after that this option not apear at all

Hans ⋅ 2 years ago #

Thanks to this website..... I had tried almost full day and still can not connect the vacuum to my apps....finally found that the problem is the product is register under China Mainland, after change to apps region to China Mainland then it is connected... thanks a lot for the great assistance... have a nice day

Eva ⋅ 2 years, 1 month ago #

I have found that for me the problem is solved the simplest by deleting the device and pairing it again. Pretty fast and easy, no loss, all data is kept on the vacuum cleaner itself.

I do have location and bluetooth turned off on my mobile too, i don't know if that triggers this problem to appear or not.

Vasilis ⋅ 2 years, 2 months ago #


1. Reinstalled Xiaomi home app
2. Changed my WiFi SSID to something without spaces and uppercase letters. Only small letters and dashes for spaces.
3. Set the Encryption of the WiFi at TKIP/AES
4. Set the WiFi security protocol to WPA/WPA2 Personal with version WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
5. Closed mobile data connection
6. Connected to my newly setuped WiFi SSID
7. Factory reset my vacuum (Press dock until you hear it's going to dock, then stop it and then press for 5 seconds until you hear it's gonna factory reset and then press it again for another 5 seconds until it says starting initialization or something)
8. Opened the app and followed the steps GIVING PRECISE LOCATION ACCESS.
8. Device finally connected first try.


Bartek ⋅ 2 years, 3 months ago #

In my case the Wi-Fi password had to be changed. Upper case Latin letters are also a problem.

Felix ⋅ 2 years, 4 months ago #

Hello, I have a Xiaomi Mijia G1 vacuum mop (Chinese version).

I do not have any problem with my iOS app, I can pair the robot to the 2.4GHz WiFi network (I had to choose the China Mainland, in order to).

The problem is that once it starts cleaning, after some minutes it losses the connection, disconnects from the network, and it just stops and turns off, once this happens I need to pick it up and put it in the base station to reconnect it again. Sometimes it cleans for 10 mins, some others for 3 mins.

It has never happened before when I was living in another place, it started to happen once I moved to my new place. I have connected the robot to a 2.4GHz PLC since the house has 3 floors and the robot is at the top. I have tried with several PLCs and always happens the same.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Should I get rid of this piece of trash? Why does it happen just once I moved?

Best Regards, Felix.

Rodrigo ⋅ 2 years, 4 months ago #

What channel is your WiFI network using? Try changing it to a less used channel.

Felix ⋅ 2 years, 4 months ago #

It is in automatic. All the channels are equally used… :(

Felix ⋅ 2 years, 4 months ago #

I have changed the router's 2.4GHz band to channel 13 and consequently to my WiFi Repeater that is linked to the main router.
I have charged the robot to its full capacity during the night. This morning I linked it again without problems.
Once I started the cleaning I have done at the same time a ping from my PC to the robot and the wifi repeater. The device was working well, until (of course), it suddenly stopped. Instantaneously, I checked the ping and I got the “request timed out” error from the Robot but not from the wifi repeater.
After this error, I only got a “destination host unreachable” error (obviously because the robot is OFF) and from the Xioami Home App it says low battery, (cannot be because was running for 3 min at the lowest power) once I plug it into the station.

So two things:
(1) If I do not plug it into the charging station it says is disconnected.
(2) If I plug it into the charging station it is connected without linking it and says low battery and charging.

That makes me think that it has to be somehow an update error from a certain version onwards...
I am going to try to move the robot to the ground floor and connect it to the main router without any repeater and check what happens...

Any ideas?

lukas ⋅ 2 years, 5 months ago #

do a factory reset (push the pin) than it should work

Juante ⋅ 2 years, 5 months ago #

You need to install an old version of the app and then connect WiFi and then update to latest version

Rodrigo ⋅ 2 years, 5 months ago #

Make sure that 802.11n is enabled for the wifi signal. Otherwise the vacuum will never connect to any other mode.

Elad ⋅ 2 years, 5 months ago #

After few days the robot goes "offline" and the app doesn't recognize it so i have to reset again and again

Роман Гайдук ⋅ 2 years, 6 months ago #

Does anyone know why on Mi Home app “add device” don’t work? When I press on plus button nothing happens.

Nuno Aparício ⋅ 2 years, 6 months ago #

Hi there from Portugal!! I can't connect my xiaomi vaccum mop p to my network, not on my iphone or my wife's android... It's just won't connect. Tried WPA, WPA2, WPA/WPA2, WPA2/WPA3, with 8 chars, with 10chars long, i reseted my vaccum each time, factory reseting 4-5times.... and nothing... I've got a MESH with EAP225 at home, but i've created a 2,4GHZ only for smart devices, not 2,4/5... it's 2,4GHz!!!!! Please... help my vaccum, he's near to get with a sledgehammer ...

Maarten ⋅ 2 years, 4 months ago #

Im having the same problem what a piece of trash

Bruno Madeiro ⋅ 2 years, 8 months ago #

aparece a seguinte frase quando vou ter por uma parede virtual: poor network connection, try again later

Bruno Madeiro ⋅ 2 years, 8 months ago #

o meu robô se conectou perfeitamente, mas para colocar parede virtual ou área restrita de MOP, ele fala que a conexão está fraca e só funciona quando quer ... posso tentar 50 vezes e conseguir uma. é muito aleatório.

o que devo fazer?

מרים עדיקה ⋅ 2 years, 9 months ago #

i have STYTJ06ZHM xiaomi with wash dock station

מרים עדיקה ⋅ 2 years, 9 months ago #

After the robot was damaged
The seller sent me a new robot
I'm unable to connect it to the damaged robot's docking station
Is it possible to connect a robot to another docking station?
Maybe the docking station needs to be reset? how do I do it?

Loukia Orphanou ⋅ 2 years, 12 months ago #

I am trying to connect my in mi robot vacuum mop p with a network but doesn't connect how I can do it can anybody help me please

Roman Koreshkov ⋅ 2 years, 12 months ago #

I had similar problem. The robot could finally catch my wifi only after I brought the robot very close to wifi router. Afterwards it communicates with my router from any place of my flat, so the little distance was important only at the moment of peering

Chris Crawley ⋅ 2 years, 8 months ago #

Hi. I had the same issues with wifi. I first changed my said to 10 letters and numbers, no . - or any other non alphanumeric characters. That didn't work. Next I changed my password to 10 letters and numbers and KABOOM that worked !

Lets 🍏 ⋅ 3 years ago #

Thank you very much!

Tiqueee ⋅ 3 years, 2 months ago #

Hello friends, I have a Robot Vacuum-Mop Essential G1, when I bought it, it easily connected to the Wi-Fi network and it worked for some time, until I had to reset it to connect to another Wi-Fi network, now I can no longer connect it to the Mi Home application, I already followed all the tips I saw here, but the robot is not generating the "mijia-vacuum" network. The Wi-fi I'm using is 2.4GHz with WPA/WPA2 PSK security, the name and password are composed only of letters and numbers, location and bluetooth are on, I've already reset the robot to factory defaults and also the Wi-Fi settings -fi pressing the home and on/off button together for 3 seconds, I have already uninstalled and re-installed the Mi Home application, I have already changed the application region to several different countries, I have tried it with other cell phones, I have tried it with other routers. Can someone help me please?

Sarah ⋅ 2 years, 5 months ago #

Did you ever solve this? We're having the same problem!

Ric ⋅ 2 years, 5 months ago #

OMG me too!

Luci ⋅ 2 years, 2 months ago #

Hello I have exactly the same problem. Robot is not generating the "mijia-vacuum" network. Any help????? =(

Zan ⋅ 3 years, 2 months ago #

Hello everyone!
I ordered in Aliexpress Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop C2 to Europe.
It came as Chinese version doh. It is not possible to switch to wifi as the model shows it Region unavailable. Can I use the described solution?

Michael ⋅ 3 years, 2 months ago #

Try choosing the China mainland region in the Mi Home app settings, after this it should appear in the list of devices and you should be able to pair it.

Dima Bilan ⋅ 3 years, 2 months ago #

Does anyone knows how in generally connection is organized here ? We have application on mobile phone and it give us possibility to control remotely our robot. Does we have some trusted tunnel in our home router for device? :)

Michael ⋅ 3 years, 2 months ago #

Your robot is directly connected to your wi-fi router meaning it has access to the internet. The robot communicates with your app via Xiaomi servers meaning you can control it even when you are not at home and accessing the app via mobile internet.

Ana Beatriz Paulichenco ⋅ 3 years, 3 months ago #

just got mine and the situation is: the power button keeps blinking but the wifi one is off... have already turned on and off several times and also holding both "home" and "power" for a few seconds and nothing changes after it's on again.
does anyone knows what to do next? can't find anything online..

Norbertas Babravicius ⋅ 3 years, 3 months ago #


frex85 ⋅ 3 years, 4 months ago #

Hey! Hey! I can not even find wifi in the robot anymore?
viomi-vacuum-v6_miap ....

dennis ⋅ 3 years, 5 months ago #

Must the router be connected to internet? What is the blue tooth connection for?
I only use my router as an access point for printer. I connect my mobile mi app to my router and try to add the robot vacuum. It just does not work. I read all the tips and followed exactly. Error in mi app says "Something came up. The application has cancelled the request to chooses a device". I have yet to try on the 2 phones.

Michael ⋅ 3 years, 5 months ago #

Yes, the router should be connected to the internet. Or you can use a second phone as a wifi hotspot. Bluetooth connection in the Mi Home app is probably for other types of devices, robot vacuums usually use a wifi connection.

Hatembaba ⋅ 3 years, 5 months ago #

Hi guys, here is my problem. I’ve changed the router on my house. I opened mi home app and chose offline robot then I tap the reset device. Then I reset wifi settings on my robot by pressing two buttons five secs. On thr second step I chose new router and click next. It says me xiaomi_mijia-xxx wifi selection will appear on my wifi list. But it doesn’t appear. So I can’t go through, any suggestion here?

Makis Tsintsikloglou ⋅ 3 years, 6 months ago #

Tried everything without success.
SOLVED it only after I did a hard reset. Press the pin (bit deep, not superficially) + the Home Button, for a few seconds until it says "resetting to factory defaults". If it just reboots, it means you didn't factory reset, you need to press the reset button with a more pointy thing.
Then, I did the process through the app, it immediately connected.

Lidiya Norman ⋅ 3 years, 3 months ago #

Thank you!!
Your solution helped me.
After hours and many iterations.
I had to change the network name to a simple and short name (without ".")
Also changed my internet password (without caps lock) and used the application version suggested here.
Nothing helped -> eventually the hard reset helped and the connection was immediate.

Bakyt ⋅ 2 years ago #

Thank you! You saved my day!

Takis Palaskas ⋅ 3 years, 6 months ago #


I just placed the xiaomi mop pro for the first time and I didn't fully charged it. After the first time it tried to work and it vaccumed the house and the battery level went to 20% it started to return to base. When it got back to the base it didn't start to charge and the side brush doesn't stop turning. In the app I have a device error message but the mop pro is like has no connection anymore with the app. I tried to reset it but it doesn;t work. There are no lights on the buttons.

Do you have any idea what's going on?

Big Bro Brother ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Please help all advice do not work for me ⋅ 3 years, 6 months ago #

Hello there. Finally I got mine working. I left it off the charger for 3-4 weeks, after that I pressed both buttons for 3sec and moved the vac onto the charger. In a few sec the"power" button start blinking in blue,after that just follow steps as mehome app says.

Maha ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Ealier it was connecting to us, Singapore, china mainland server . But now it's not connecting to other server except china and after that it's display error msg can't map of mop with this server . Now it's useless it only goes all place with wifi we can't control the device from mobile app

MarcosO ⋅ 3 years, 8 months ago #

Hi, do you know if the robot is capable of jumping from one access point to another?
I have different access points for different areas on my house.

Peter ⋅ 3 years, 8 months ago #

This is what at the end worked for me:
If you can connect and add the robot using phone as a hotspot then there's a chance it will connect also to your router (as mentioned you will need two phones: one acting as hotspot and the other one for setup).
The trick is to setup the WIFI hotspot in your phone with same SSID and same password as your router.

1. Then turn off your router
2. Connect to your phone's WIFI
3. Add your vacuum robot
4. Turn off your phone's hotspot and turn on your router
5. Robot should connect to your router using saved credentials from phone

P.S. Also don't forget to setup your router the way it's described in the tip (WPA2, no special characters in SSID, etc.)

Bw ⋅ 3 years, 9 months ago #

Thanks! Updating our router to the WPA 2 did the trick.

VASILEIOS STERGIOULIS ⋅ 3 years, 9 months ago #

Hello my problem is that in my 2 store house I have 3 or 4 routers so when I start the cleaning process an robot is paired with the central router when it goes to areas that I gave a repeater or a access point then robot misses the signal and it appears to be offline. So how can the robot connect to the next router/access point/repeater during the cleaning process ?

Paulo Gomes ⋅ 3 years, 9 months ago #

I have 2 vacuum cleaners, same model, in the same house.
First one connects ok.
2nd one I can’t connect it.
It’s because I’m using the same network?

Razvan Todea ⋅ 3 years, 10 months ago #

I’ve got an IPhone 12 pro with OS version 14.5.1 and Xiaomi Home app 6.4.203. I’m not able to connect the Xiaomi Mop Essential to the wireless network. The SSID is called WiFi and the password is alphanumeric with capital letters of length 10. I’ve tried reseting the Mop to Factory settings and also the Wireless network, but nothing seems to work.
I fixed it by changing from WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK to WPA2-PSK.

Adam ⋅ 2 years ago #

Thank you, this worked for me!

Evripidou Maria ⋅ 3 years, 10 months ago #

mine connected fine for the first two days and now it doesn;t for some reason When i press the start and home center it does nothing. It still works, but no wifi connection, so I cant use the app. I checked all the above and they are all correct

ΛΙΛΙΑΝΑ ΤΣΟΥΡΙΚΑ ⋅ 3 years, 9 months ago #

Το ίδιο πρόβλημα έχω και εγώ, το πήγα την άλλη μέρα πίσω, εκεί έχουν σέρβις. Θα δούμε τι θα μου πουν.

Georkian ⋅ 3 years, 10 months ago #

Same problem happened one day after long using without problems. It connected to phone, but can't connect to wifi.
While it was working my country was set to CHINA (mainland) because at beginning can't even connect with my real country (Europe). So I uninstalled app and then downloaded it again, chose my European country and wifi connected. I tried to change country in app before, but it doesn't connected, so you need to reinstall and choose your real country from beginning.
I think that were made some updates in aapp to fix connection issues which were before, but also caused new issues in this way.

Rosen ⋅ 3 years, 11 months ago #

I have problem with my "Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P". I have installed it and worked for several days until today when the red LED starts blinking and the robot just stopped working. The robot is not able to do anything - not to reset factory setting, not to reset WiFi.. cannot hear any voice from the robot. I unplugged the batter then plug it again but still same.. robot is just white breathing and do nothing, not responding at all to neither of buttons.. any ideas?


Daniel ⋅ 3 years, 11 months ago #

After more then 3 hours trying to connect my new Mi Robot Vacuum Mop Essential to my home router without success, i changed the Wi-Fi security from WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK to WPA2-PSK and it finally connected immediately!!
Thank you all for the tips.

Razvan Todea ⋅ 3 years, 10 months ago #

Changing from WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK to WPA2-PSK was the solution to my connectivity problems.

Rodrigo ⋅ 3 years, 11 months ago #

Very thanks! Switched the region to China worked for me. I just bought this vacuum, without your help would spend days to figure what's the problem

YEM ⋅ 4 years ago #

had the same issue. so, vacuum mop suddenly became offline after 2-3 months of work and every time i tried to connect it to the app, i failed. tried everything described here. switching from WPA to WPA2 in the router settings helped fixed this. vacuum mop connected immediately, without any problem

Hut ⋅ 4 years ago #

I just had the same problem and none of the comments helped.
After 3 hours I found the problem: I had to turn off the ad blocker on my phone... then it worked!!

fater ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

Sometimes vacuum mop drops connection and can`t reconnect to router. After reconnection procedure (app successfully connect to robot and send data) robot stays disconnected. Take a look at the list devices connected to your Wi-Fi network. If router shows vacuum MAC address and IP but vacuum robot just blinking, disconnect manually from router interface (openwrt has this option) and try connection procedure again.

Nino ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

Do we need to connect the vacum to app ?

QUYEN ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

Hi all,
Just got my S6 Pure and unable to connect to network. It keeps on telling me "time out". I tried both on my iPhone and iPad. I have done every single step from the instruction from using correct 2Ghz, simple wifi password etc. Nothing works.
Please help

s.baga ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

whit this

JEGANATHAN ⋅ 4 years ago #

Hello, thanks for the information. This APK worked fine for me. But the sharing of device does not work in my IOS device and also I do not know how secure is this APK. The app looks exactly same as Mi Home and it took only 1 minute to make this work. Thanks a lot

Willian ⋅ 4 years, 2 months ago #

Hello! Thank you for the support. You can add another step to solve the problem. It works for me. I tried everthing you say and the device do not work. I read some information in another website and it work for me. I think the wifi module just crash sometimes and you need to reset the robot.
"Try power off and power on the device when not in charging station. Press the power button for 5 seconds and after power on again." Works intantly.

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

Hi Willian,
thank you, I've updated the post. Rebooting the device helped me to pair some other robots in the past, so I can confirm that this might help in some cases.

Over ⋅ 4 years, 2 months ago #

Thank you cery much mate. That solved my issue with Mi Robot Vacuum-mop P!
I had _ and / in my wifi network SSID. After removing those characters it connected within a blink of an eye.

Rodrigo ⋅ 4 years, 2 months ago #



My problem was the connection between robot and modem (phone and robot connected always perfectly)

I tried everything on this post plus comments.

The key was to change the SSID for the wifi (it was 'Rodrigo 2.4ghz' and change it to 'rodrigoghz'). After that, everything worked like a charm.

The final running config is a 10 alphanumeric chars password with the new ssid and only WPA2 Personal with AES encryption.

My final conclusion for this is that as a general rule, for this robot to connect you can't have special chars neither in the SSID nor in the Pass.

PD: I have the Xiaomi Robot 1C (international version)

hhh ⋅ 3 years, 8 months ago #

Thank you for this. I tried everything, and the problem was simply my SSID name that has / in it! it took me the whole day haha. i was ready to return it, and Xiaomi Service Center is realllyyy not responsive at all. I have Xiaomi Mop P

Roman Marusyak ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Rodrigo, thanks! It's a solution))) I removed symbol / from SSID and now robot works good!!!

Ds ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

No connection to net

Ds ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

Device is not connected to the network
1 and 2 ok

G ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

I installed it easily and never had any problem. But today i had to reset my wifi router and the vaccum can’t reconnect. I tried to reinstall it, I tried to reinstall the app and nothing. I even tried to reset to factory settings but it wont even if I press home button for 30secs. Nothing happens

Willian ⋅ 4 years, 2 months ago #

Try power off and power on the device when not in charging station. Press the power button 5 seconds.
Use mainland china if you have a chinese version.

Igor ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

Does this type of devices can be connetcted through an hotspot mobile network? (mobile router)

Is ⋅ 4 years, 4 months ago #

I had another problem - my region for all my devices is mainland china, and i bought eu version of the vacuum in Hungary. It connected to wifi, but the vacuum is not on the devices list. But I received push notifications from it! And only when I changed my region to Hungary in the app I saw the vacuum. But all other devices (including EU mi smart home) are in “china” locale, so I have to switch between regions:)

Pernilla ⋅ 4 years, 4 months ago #

I have the Chinese version. I managed to connect it, but do you have a solution how to change the language? it only speaks Chinese :(

John Jackson ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

In the App, Select your Device on the home page by tapping it, Click the 3 Dots top right, go to Voice Settings and Voice Packet. Change to English. I have the Chinese version and selected Chinese Mainland when installing the app.

Pernilla ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

There is no Voice Settings option in the Settings menu. Only Voice on/off option.
I also have the Chinese version with Chinese Mainland region.

John Jackson ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

Where Voice on/off is, there should also be Volume Adjustment and Voice Packet. I'm using the Xiaomi Home app.

Qurious ⋅ 4 years, 4 months ago #

I have just installed my new mop pro yesterday.
It was working fine scanning all house and all but today I went to work and tried to start vacuuming but its offline
I can start it only when my phone is connected to the my home router, not when I'm out of home.

what should I do, help

VW ⋅ 4 years, 4 months ago #


I just spend about 3 hours on this:

1. You need to remove ALL special characters (use only numbers and letters) from your 2.4GHZ-WLAN password. Make it EXACTLY 10 characters long.

2. Reset WLAN on robot

3. Turn off Bluetooth AND mobile data in your phone (only wlan stays on)

4. Connect and enjoy

Alex ⋅ 4 years, 4 months ago #

Still no success...

Bruno ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

hi again,

it turns out to work with my local region (Portugal).

don't ask me how, because i've done all the same steps already mentioned here.

all steps done on tablet, and immediately the vacuum appears on my phone as well.

I would say in resume to follow these steps:

1 — reset wifi on vacuum
2 — reset or delete the app and install again
3 — put vacuum at 50cm of router as well the tablet/phone
4 — wifi is set with WPA2 encryption
5 — activate location on app
6 — enter Wi-Fi 2.4GHz password
7 — add the device

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

Hi Bruno,
Thanks for the update. Glad you solved the problem!

Bruno ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

Just grab other tablet and do the folowing:

1 - reset wifi on vacuum
2 - install app on tablet
3 - regist Chinese account using a local phone number
4 - put vacumm at 50cm of router
5 - wifi is set with WPA2 encryption
6 - activate location on app
7 - try to add device


Bruno ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #


I've my Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum working fine since i bought it on January.

Since August if stops working with the App.

It still works pressing the button, but I lost all functionalities on the app.

Does someone know if Xiaomi made a Firmware with bugs, or just my Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum is faulty on the wi-fi?

I've made "power+home button" during 3 seconds (or more) to reconnect to other dispositives, but no success.

Can someone help here?

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

Did you follow all the recommendations mentioned in this post and comments? Try to pair it with another phone if all the suggestions didn't help.
The "Power+Home" doesn't reconnect the device but reset the robot's wifi settings. You should pair the robot with the Mi Home app as a new device.

Bruno ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

I've tried with 2 different phones and one tablet.
And no success.

What you mean pair as new device?
I normally go to "+" add device.

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

I normally go to "+" add device.

Yes, that's what I meant.
Do you have a Chinese version or an international version of the device? Does it stopped working suddenly?
The Chinese version works only with the China Mainland region selected in the app settings, and vice versa, an international version will not work with the China Mainland region, so ensure you have a correct region in the app selected.

Willian ⋅ 4 years, 2 months ago #

Try power off and power on the device when not in charging station. Press the power button 5 seconds.
Use mainland china if you have a chinese version.

Leo ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

Do you guys know where to get support for the device? Ours started making high pitch noises and then smarting making burning smells ( even when it’s charging). But not sure where to even get support for this item

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

Where did you buy the device? In some cases, the seller should be responsible for warranty cases. Also, try to reach Xiaomi customer support here.

Andres ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

Changed region to Chaina Mainland. After that on device description is available model Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P (to leave region example Germany - no such model available). So I can find device, add it into network, everything seems to be ok. Select room - I select living room, push button below Next. App offered rename device, I leave it as it is. And then I push button Let's get started. Loading screen will appear.... and thats it. No device is available. App shows on screen My devices (0). What do do??

1. It work also in 5G WiFi network, at least in my local WiFi, what is 5 G. (I try also another router with 2,4 G, no difference, work in both).
2. My problem was, that in device selection, if to type into search window Mi ...., it can't find suitable product. BUT if to scroll to end of selection, there is last menu Household ... or something like that, and from there is Vacuum Mop Pro is avaiable. I don't why it doesn't show it in search window on my region. If I changed region to Chaina Mainland, search command will find device. If I changed region to my region, then I must select manually correct model AND IT WORKS! :-)

Berk ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

Bro how did you solve this issue?
I cant see it on my devices but i net notifications when its stuck or something wtf

Winnie ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

Hi Andres
I have exactly the same problem where I have made it through to the last step and added device but it didn’t appear on the list. How did you solve it at the end?

Andres ⋅ 3 years, 7 months ago #

You must select device from list, not automatic, but manual.... I can't remember exatly...
Read my post: "...that in device selection, if to type into search window Mi ...., it can't find suitable product. BUT if to scroll to end of selection, there is last menu Household… or something like that, and from there is Vacuum Mop Pro is avaiable"
Search don't give correct device, You must select it step by step, not by help with search.
Anyway, I'm not satisfied with this device, Philips cleaner make much better work, I don't recomend this device.

GS ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

The Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P is not listed among the devices when I choose my own region, i.e. Germany. Is it better to choose China then? Or somewhere else?

Also, do you know if wifi connection will work when there is no router but the wifi is supported over a network where you need both a username and password, i.e. eduroam?

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

It's strange this model is not shown in the device list in your region considering there are European and International versions of the robot on the market. I just tried to switch the region to Germany, and it's still on the list (Home Appliances category). Worth to mention, if you got a Chinese version of the robot, it will work only with the China region. But it should be on the list of devices anyway.

j ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

i got a international version and is there anyway i could get it connected to china server? i have got alot of other devices that is connected to the china server and would not work in other region.

Terry ⋅ 4 years, 6 months ago #

Hi I’ have connected my vacuum to the app but it will not connect to Wi-Fi it gets almost to the end and it times out and tells me to try again.

Márcio Martins ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

That is my problem too!!

kostas ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

same problem! :(

MARIOS ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

Hi Kostas I'm Marios from Greece.I have the same stops almost at the end.can u help?

kostas ⋅ 4 years, 5 months ago #

i change the wi-fi security from wpa/wpa2 to wpa2 and connect. all perfect!!

Dani ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

Thank god I saw this comment. IT FINALLY WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Changed the Wi-Fi security frin WPA/WPA2 to WPA2.

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

Thanks for the confirmation. I've updated the post.

Alain ⋅ 4 years ago #

That fixed my issue too !!!
Changed the Wi-Fi security WPA/WPA2 personal to WPA2-personal

Suf ⋅ 3 years, 11 months ago #

How do I change this?

Diana ⋅ 3 years, 10 months ago #

Thank You, this worked. Changed from WPA/WPA2 to WPA2-Personal, worked like a charm

Tomasz Kowalski ⋅ 3 years, 2 months ago #

This worked for me too. Thanks!

Rudolph ⋅ 4 years, 6 months ago #

How do I register in Mi Home app if I have Chinese version? It doesn't support Facebook and requires Chinese phone number to create account.

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 6 months ago #

On the registration page, tap on the country code near the phone number field and choose your country from the list, then you can use your phone number.

Rudolph ⋅ 4 years, 6 months ago #

Wow. It worked. Thanks a lot. Is there also a way to change the language the robot speaks? Don't know a word in Chinese :D Maybe I can change the firmware, so it works like the International version?

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 6 months ago #

I'm glad it helped! Unfortunately, there is no way to change the robot's language in the app settings and I don't know how to change the firmware for this robot vacuum.

mummyrabbit ⋅ 4 years, 4 months ago #

am I able to change the voice to english for a global version please? ps:are global and international version the same thing?

John Jackson ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

In the App, Select your Device, Click the 3 Dots top right, go to Voice Settings and Voice Packet. Change to English. I have the Chinese version and selected Chinese Mainland when installing the app. In the same settings section, there is Firmware update, just updated mine to

Manos ⋅ 4 years, 6 months ago #

I've tried everything, but no luck! I really wonder if there is something wrong with my device(hardware problem) or if there is a software issue?

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 6 months ago #

I hope it's not a hardware problem. Maybe I missed something in this guide and there is something else to check. I would try if it works with an other router and other phone, sometimes there are some specific router or phone settings that may cause connection issues.

wanda ⋅ 4 years, 4 months ago #

try turning on location services on your phone. this and disabling mobile data did the trick for me.

Si. ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

Thanks for your tips, it solved by connection problem!

Willian ⋅ 4 years, 2 months ago #

Try power off and power on the device, press power button 5 seconds when not in charging station.

Novve ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

Try USA as region it worked for me.

Isabel ⋅ 4 years, 9 months ago #

O problema é que eu já fiz isto tudo! E continua sem conectar... E o meu router não tem senha, será por isso?

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 9 months ago #

I'm pretty sure it wan't connect to the network without a password. Try to set a password for your Wi-Fi network.

Isabel ⋅ 4 years, 9 months ago #

Obrigada pelo post! Explique-me como chego ao WPA/WPA2? Porque no meu telemóvel só tenho WPS é o mesmo?

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 9 months ago #

There are a lot of Wi-Fi router models, so hard to say how to configure your router, try to Google it. Most of the popular Wi-Fi routers can be configured by an admin page usually located on these addresses and (you should know a default admin password for your router to sign in).

Igor ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

Does this type of devices can be connetcted through an hotspot mobile network? (mobile router)

Michael ⋅ 4 years, 3 months ago #

It will not work if the hotspot created on the same phone as the app. But should work with two phones (one for the hotspot, and the second one for the app).

Roman ⋅ 4 years, 1 month ago #

It indeed works through Hotspot with two phones

Alex ⋅ 3 years, 8 months ago #

Hello! My mija c1 just stopped working. After. Clearing app data I can't reconnect it back. Also machine doesn't resct to any button.

Amir ⋅ 3 years, 8 months ago #

Same here. Did you found out why?

Alex Manzya ⋅ 3 years, 8 months ago #

Hi Amir.
Nope , it looks like motherboard to be replaced.

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